Jewish Holidays
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Myths, the Megila and Moshiach
As in many aspects of Jewish life, myths abound concerning the Purim story. One of those myths portray Achashverosh as a harmless, bumbling old fool, pulled to and fro by his wives and advisors. Yet Gemara Megila makes it abundantly clear that Achashverosh hated the Jews no less - perhaps even more! - than did Haman. -
What Happens When Purim Falls on Shabbos?
When do we distribute shalach manos and matanos la’evyonim on different days? When do we distribute shalach manos and matanos la’evyonim on different days? When do we distribute shalach manos and matanos la’evyonim on different days? How can one bensch on the Purim Seudah without saying Al hanissim? -
Will You Throw Away Your Mask This Purim?
Sometimes rather than endangering lives, throwing away your mask can save lives. A message for Purim. -
Purim Meshulash - What is it About?
So what is Purim HaMeshulash all about? What makes it different from every other Purim? Watch r' Odded Miller explaining. -
Hearing the Megilla for Those Who Cannot Go to Shul
If one who is not a ba’al koreh cannot make it to shul to hear Megillat Esther, how else can he fulfill the mitzva of hearing it? -
Purim Meshulash
Could you please review some of the rules and rationale of the practices of Purim Meshulash (Triple Purim) in Yerushalayim? -
The Seeds of Unification
Megillat Esther calls Mordechai a “Judean man” and “son of Yair son of Shimi son of Kish, a Benjaminite.” The gemara is bothered by the apparent contradiction; one of its answers is that while he was genealogically from Binyamin, the people of Yehuda would argue that they deserve the credit for him because, as a descendent of Shimi, had David Hamelech killed Shimi ben Geira, Mordechai would not have been born.
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